Jason Mendoza

Jason Mendoza

Senior Software Engineer(Web & Mobile & Blockchain & AI)
I'm a software engineer specialised in full stack and blockchain development for complex scalable web apps. I write about software development on my blog. Want to know how I may help your project? Check out my project portfolio and online resume.

What I do

Greetings, Earthlings! Gather 'round as I unveil the chronicles of my 8-year odyssey in web wizardry, navigating the binary cosmos with a keyboard and a sprinkle of magic. For the past 5 years, I've transcended into the blockchain realm, crafting DeFi wonders and weaving NFT P2E tales on the tapestry of Ethereum and Solana—because what's life without a touch of crypto sorcery? But hold on to your keyboards, for in recent years, I've taken a detour into the whimsical realm of AI projects. Picture this: combining the elegance of neural networks with the blockchain ballet. Yes, you heard it right—making crypto projects not just cutting-edge but cutting through dimensions! Join me on this intergalactic coding carnival, where every line of code is a step into the cosmos of hilarity and innovation.

Vanilla JavaScript

With extensive experience in Vanilla JavaScript, I build dynamic and interactive web applications from the ground up.

My deep understanding of JavaScript fundamentals enables me to create efficient and optimized code.

Angular, React & Vue

I specialize in modern JavaScript frameworks including Angular, React, and Vue.

Angular: Developed large-scale, enterprise-level applications.

React: Created highly responsive user interfaces with reusable components.

Vue: Delivered flexible and high-performance applications.


Proficient in using Node.js to build server-side applications and RESTful APIs.

Implemented real-time features using WebSockets and Express.js for various projects.

Python & Django

Expert in Python for backend development, data analysis, and scripting.

Developed full-stack web applications using Django, focusing on rapid development and clean design.


Experienced in building and maintaining server-side applications using PHP.

Developed CMS solutions and integrated third-party APIs for enhanced functionality.


Proficient in creating responsive and accessible web layouts using HTML5 and CSS3.

Implemented modern CSS techniques such as Flexbox, Grid, and animations to enhance user experience.


Experienced in developing decentralized applications (DApps) using blockchain technology.

Proficient with Ethereum and smart contract development using Solidity.

Implemented blockchain solutions for secure and transparent transactions.

AI & Machine Learning

Skilled in designing and implementing machine learning models using Python.

Experienced with frameworks such as TensorFlow, Keras, and scikit-learn.

Developed AI solutions for data analysis, natural language processing, and predictive analytics.


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