Jason Mendoza

DegenCoin Flip Game

DegenCoinFlip is an innovative platform that merges the excitement of gaming with the transparency and security of blockchain technology. The platform allows users to participate in coin flip games, leveraging smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain to ensure fairness and transparency.

DegenCoin Flip Game

As a Full Blockchain Web Developer, I played a crucial role in developing DegenCoinFlip, focusing on frontend development with React and integrating blockchain technologies. The platform provides a unique gaming experience where users can flip coins and win rewards, all secured by Ethereum smart contracts.

Project Overview

The Game Project introduces an innovative and provably fair coinflip game built on the SUI network. Users can participate by selecting "heads" or "tails" and placing a betting amount. The smart contract handles the game logic on-chain to ensure transparency and provable fairness. It is the first-of-its-kind coinflip game project on the SUI network, offering a unique gaming experience to users

The Challenge

The primary challenge was to build a secure and transparent gaming platform that could handle real-time transactions and user interactions. The goal was to create a responsive frontend and integrate robust blockchain functionalities to ensure fair play and secure transactions.

The Approach & Solution

I leveraged my expertise in full stack development and blockchain technology to create a user-friendly, secure, and compliant platform. Key features include:

  • Provable Fairness: All game results are stored on the SUI network, ensuring provable fairness and eliminating the possibility of tampering.
  • Gas Saving Solution: To overcome gas costs, the project implements Shinami Gas Station API for gasless transactions, making gameplay accessible to all users.
  • Two-Step Game Execution: The game's two-step execution process ensures users cannot see the result before confirming the transaction, maintaining a fair gaming experience.
  • Backend Game Finalization: The backend handles the game finalization to prevent users from viewing results prematurely, enhancing the game's integrity.
  • Real-Time Game Results: By adding the game result field to the contract object, users can instantly read the game outcome on the frontend without waiting for backend events.
  • Load Balancer: The project utilizes a load balancer to efficiently distribute incoming user requests and ensure optimal performance during peak traffic.

The Results

User Engagement
20% up
Increased user engagement and retention due to the platform’s interactive design and real-time updates.
Fairness and Transparency
14% up
Achieved a high level of user trust through transparent and secure blockchain-based transactions.
Ensured high performance and scalability, capable of handling a growing number of users and transactions.
20% down
Experienced significant growth in user base and daily active users, attributed to the platform’s reliability and fairness.

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