Jason Mendoza


RealAdvisor is a leading real estate platform in Switzerland that provides comprehensive tools for buying, selling, and renting properties. The platform offers advanced property search filters, instant home valuations, and market insights to help users make informed real estate decisions.


As a Full Stack Web Developer, I contributed to the development and migration of RealAdvisor, focusing on backend development with Node.js, API integration with GraphQL and Apollo, and frontend migration from React to Next.js. The platform aims to provide users with accurate real estate information and tools to enhance their property buying and selling experience.

Tech Stacks

  • Frontend: React, Next, Redux, Redux-toolkit
  • Backend: Node.js, Micro Service, Docker, Ngnix
  • Api Integration: Apollo, GraphQL, React-Relay

Project Overview

As a Full Stack Web Developer, I contributed to the development and migration of RealAdvisor, focusing on backend development with Node.js, API integration with GraphQL and Apollo, and frontend migration from React to Next.js. The platform aims to provide users with accurate real estate information and tools to enhance their property buying and selling experience.

The Challenge

Developing a comprehensive real estate platform required addressing challenges related to data accuracy, real-time updates, and a seamless user experience. The goal was to build a scalable backend with efficient API integration and migrate the existing React frontend to Next.js to improve performance and SEO.

The Approach & Solution

I leveraged my expertise in full stack development and blockchain technology to create a user-friendly, secure, and compliant platform. Key features include:

  • Backend Development: Node.js: Developed a robust backend using Node.js to handle property data, user accounts, and transactions.

    GraphQL & Apollo: Implemented GraphQL with Apollo Server to enable efficient data querying and real-time updates.

    Database: Optimized database queries to handle large datasets efficiently, ensuring quick data retrieval and updates.

  • Frontend Development: Next.js Migration: Migrated the existing frontend from React to Next.js to enhance server-side rendering (SSR) capabilities and improve SEO.

    React to Next.js: Ensured a smooth transition by refactoring React components to be compatible with Next.js, leveraging its file-based routing and static site generation features.

    Responsive Design: Created a responsive, user-friendly interface with Next.js, focusing on mobile-first design principles.
  • API Integration: GraphQL API: Developed a comprehensive GraphQL API to interact with the backend, providing clients with flexible data querying capabilities.

    Apollo Client: Integrated Apollo Client on the frontend to manage local state and interact with the GraphQL API, ensuring efficient data fetching and state management.

The Results

20% up
Improved frontend performance and SEO through server-side rendering with Next.js, resulting in faster page loads and better search engine visibility.
14% up
Enhanced data querying efficiency with GraphQL, reducing the amount of data transferred and improving overall application performance.
User Satisfaction
Achieved higher user satisfaction rates due to improved responsiveness and real-time data updates.
20% up
Increased user engagement and retention by 35%, attributed to the seamless user experience and accurate real estate insights.

Client Testimonial

I had the pleasure of working with Jason on a project that required expertise in React and Node, and I must say, I was thoroughly impressed with his technical abilities and professionalism. Jason is a full stack developer who has a deep understanding of both front-end and back-end development, and is able to seamlessly integrate the two to deliver exceptional solutions.
Joan Rodriguez
CEO, RealAdvisor

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